Konstantinos is currently working as a UX/UI designer at Lloyds banking group About >

UX Projects

Clothes indexing and outfit suggestions application - Wear Drop

By indexing your existing clothes you get a personalised view of what you have and receive daily suggestions depending on the weather, your calendar, your trips and your mood. Help the environment by consuming less and more ethically.

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Safe navigation at night through well-lit streets - Lumo

No need to check your phone out again to check your route or take the wrong turn at night and end up in a dark area. Lumo will guide you to your destination with safety.

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Food shopping and sustainability application - Too good to go

The application is free to use and it connects consumers with local restaurants or vendors and gives options of unsold or surplus food to take home on a much lower rate. A redesign project for the mobile app that is the leading platform in Europe for fighting food waste, educating people about food waste and actively doing something for the planet.

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Redesign of Just Eat Desktop website

While the mobile app has a different design and provides better functionality, the web application needed a transformation. My role was to discover the dysfunctional areas and transform the web app's experience to a more user friendly service.

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